Step-by-step guide how to earn $QUIDD and $QUICK on QuickSwap
We’re pleased to announce that Polygon $QUIDD holders can now earn $dQUICK from QuickSwap!
Important information:
QuickSwap WMATIC-QUIDD Liquidity pool info:
$QUIDD Polygon contract address: 0x123706cDD8e60324e610E9A2CC7012D0F45A5b8E
Quidd Market website:
Quidd Token Website:
Rewards received from providing this liquidity are: WMATIC and QUIDD.
Pair links:
Step 1: Earn QUIDD/WMATIC LP Tokens by providing liquidity to QUIDD/WMATIC pair on QuickSwap
Visit QuickSwap website and search for QUIDD/WMATIC Liquidity pool.
All info about this pool can be found in this link and also a link to provide Liquidity.
In the top right corner click on button: + Add Liquidity and a new window will open.
Step 2: Add Liquidity to get LP Tokens
Make sure you have both WMATIC (wrapped MATIC) and QUIDD in your wallet.
You can also swap from stable or other tokens to $QUIDD and MATIC Tokens.
In the INPUT field, enter the amount of WMATIC you wish to add and it will automaticaly calculate the needed amount of QUIDD. To provide Liquidity you always have to provide worth of both tokens in ratio 1:1.
Step 3: Approve both Tokens
After you enter the amount you wish to add to Liquidity, you will have to APPROVE both Tokens.
Important notice: Transaction fees have to be paid in MATIC!
After both of the Tokens have been approved, click on SUPPLY to add Liquidity and you will receive WMATIC-QUIDD LP Tokens.
Pop-up window will show to confirm supply.
Step 4: Check your LP position
After successful supply, you can check your LP position in this link:
If you have any more questions or need additional information, please visit our Telegram group and ask an Admin for help: